Traveling to Dublin

on Monday, March 16, 2009

I’ve had a great set-up in London. I’ve had free internet in my room so I’ve been able to come in and download pics and then write the blog.
I’m traveling to Dublin later this afternoon and I’m not sure my situation will be as good. So, I am updating the blog this morning just in case.

I’ve got everything packed up and I am about to go check out of the hotel. It has been a great place all the way around. I may even go ahead and book a room here for next Sunday before I fly out. I am going to grab some lunch and do a little more sight seeing before I head to the airport. My flight leaves London around 4:30 and I should be in Dublin-checked in and everything- by 7. Kara and everyone will already be there by the time I arrive so I plan on meeting up with them.

Here are a few pics I haven't posted that I thought I’d include.
For Whitney- London Bridge is somewhere between that first bridge and the Tower Bridge- I'm telling you the London Bridge sucks at life.

England's not all architecture and history- it has it's Jolly's...

English Countryside


Whitney said...

Thank you for the picture of the bridge. I take that it is hidden by the first bridge. Imagining that it is back there and I just can't see it makes me laugh even more. Have a safe trip. Green beer, corned beef and cabbage. Enjoy!