Stonehenge, Bath, and Wes the Teacher...

on Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today was a great day!

I made a last minute decision to take a day trip to see Stonehenge and the town of Bath. So I was at my pick-up point at 8am which happened to be in front of a McDonalds. Yum. A sausage, egg, and cheese McMuffin. Not exactly a traditional English Breakfast but it's kind of like eggs benedict, right?

At my stop were a few other people taking the tour. Saya, an assistant curator for a museum in Tokyo, who was studying English in London for the month and Anna- a law-school grad from Yermany (Germany) also studying English. On the tour I met another Bloke named Alex from Canada, who was still in school. Basically, they made up my English posse for the day.

Both Saya's and Anna's English were good but they both occasionally had questions. Mostly Saya. She would read the descriptions of things and ask about words she didn't understand. I'm afraid that I may, actually, have retarded her grasp of the English language. Ha.

I've always wanted to find out where Whitney really came from and I thought Stonehenge might offer me some answers. I mean, it's strange, unexplainable, and associated with possible aliens- so basically the same thing as Whitney. Well, Whitney's still a mystery to me but I thought Stonehenge was cool. Ha.

While I was at Stonehenge there was a near tragedy. The Heel Stone began to fall.

Luckily, I was there to catch it. You're bloody welcome England.

The town of Bath basically began when a Roman settlement was built along some hot springs. The springs were believed to have healing properties and eventually became a hot spot for Royalty and people of means. It was a really cool city.

A Traditional English Garden
At one point people were taxed on the number of rooms in their house- judged by the amount of windows. So to avoid paying more taxes some people just bricked them up. My kind of people.

There was a half marathon in Bath today- I would have run it but time constraints... you know.


Inside the Roman Baths

The Roman Baths

A cool wishing pond- I threw a pence in and wished for a job- Psyche

A Bridge in Bath

A Park in Bath


Brandi said...

You are cracking me up. Looks like you are having fun! Enjoy.

Whitney said...
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Whitney said...

You’re so funny. I would also agree with your comparison between myself and Stonehenge. I would also like to point out that just like Stonehenge i am a wonder of the world, full of fascination, totally awesome, people stand in awe just looking at me, and i am worth every penny to go see. I take your comparing me to Stonehenge as one of the best compliments i have ever received. Thank you. :) Oh, and you really might want to start wishing for a job. hehe :) Glad you are enjoying yourself. I am loving all the pictures.

LITC said...

Dude, I was in the marathon, duh...we should have grabbed lunch. I ran it in 30 minutes then flew back to Trussville in my private jet. Tomorrow I will leave a detail comment with all the exciting parts of get excited.

Pictures look awesome man.

Unknown said...

Wes, looks like you are having an awesome time! St. Paddy's Day in Ireland? It can't get much better than that. 2 more things - #1. You should have taken that bird out and #2 Siegfried and Roy were so inspired by your blogging that they came together for a final show!!

Cile said...

Nice last minute decision, that Stonehenge and Bath. Your tour group sounds entertaining. Give yourself a break, pretty much anyone can retard the progress of learning the English language. Seriously, we can't even get it straight ourselves! Cherrio!